Operation Management
Management System and related Processes

Management Systems as recommended by the IAEA´s General Safety Requirements “Leadership and Management for Safety” (GRS part 2, former GS-R 3) will satisfy the fundamental safety principle that “Effective leadership and management for safety must be established and sustained in organizations concerned, and facilities and activities that give rise to, radiation risks.” – IAEA GSR part 2 Vienna, 2016
While organizations dealing with Nuclear Power will usually have organization charts, some organizational processes and procedures are often either not synchronized, duplicated, or not complete for all necessary activities and may even have conflicting requirements and most importantly: they are not user friendly. Once implemented, a comprehensive Management System is easier to maintain and they improve communication, understanding and team work.
IT providers may provide good tools but lack of knowledge about nuclear requirements. Therefore such kind of experience and support needs to be included in the process when developing a Management System for nuclear facilities. Se-grauf can provide this expertise.
Self Assessments and Preparation for external Reviews
Reviews such as INIR or OSART (IAEA), or WANO PEER reviews require comprehensive Self Assessments and their documentation in a Self-Evaluation Report prior to the review mission. We support organizations in the preparation of those reports.